Friday 23 August 2013

Hello to the BIG Wiiiiddddeeee World

Hello, Hello, Hello

Facts about me that you don't really know but, I'll say anyways

  • My name is Anne (is that my real name no but, seriously what is on the internet these days).
  • I'm going to my senior year in high school and I'm not quite sure how I feel about that - it's kind of a mix between unadulterated happiness that I can finally, FINALLY leave this sorry excuse for a school and this gut, wrenching sickness that I'm going to have to grow up. Don't get me wrong I'm not one of those "I hate high school; Worst 5 years of my life" it's just I am hella shy. In short: I'm friendly but, I don't have many friends
  • I love love love looooooooooOOOOoove books. Dream job would be to a publisher but, I suck at English and grammar (which you will find out very soon) and everything so that options thrown out the window
  • Movies. I love a every genre of movie and I'm a huge film geek.... aha jk I wish. But no seriously movies to me are more than just a way to pass the time. I love to just stop and admire the cinematography, the soundtrack, the perfection of a certain effect and those risky actions the director takes.
  • Piano. I love piano even though I suck at playing
  • Music. Who doesn't love music. Some favorites are: Paul Simon, Vampire Weekend, Wolf Gang... With the exception of those artists/bands and a few more I focus more on songs than the artist like I may really really like one The Killers song but, when I try to listen to more they all sound the same.

So I don't really know how to start this and to be quite frank I bet I'll be the only one to ever read this. But, I'll basically be posting randomness and everyday stuff - from book reviews (seriously I love novels as pretentious as this sounds, I can't even fathom a universe with no books) to movies (I like to think I'm a film geek but, in actuality I'm not) to random things that hit me with such a strong sense of emotion that I have to write it down.

I know this post is called "Hello to the BIG Wiiiddddeee World" but, I feel like a more appropiate title will be "Hello to myself in 20 years"